Need for a NEW studio?
YES! Currently this industry is booming, and there is a big demand for studio space. This has a global appeal as producers come from all over the world to use the UK facilities and take advantage of the lucrative tax credits available.
Disney Signs 10-Year Lease at Pinewood Studios in England as Battle Against Netflix for Production Talent in the U.K. Intensifies
The Walt Disney Company has signed a 10-year lease for a majority of the resources at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire. Pinewood Studios, located about 20 miles outside of London city center, has numerous back lots, stages, and other production spaces.
Brexit Britain to be boosted by film industry as millions invested in UK
World-renowned Twickenham Studios is the latest to announce expansion plans, with a £50million development of the former Littlewoods site in Liverpool, which used to be home to the Football Pools.
+ 1. What is an Enterprise Zone?
An Enterprise Zone is a Government’s tool to accelerate the delivery of jobs and business growth. The status is awarded by Government for a period of 25 years to speed up delivery of employment sites and to attract inward investment into an area.
+ 2. What incentives can an Enterprise Zone offer to businesses?
Current legislation includes several incentives to businesses relocating to an Enterprise Zone area – simplified planning process and potential to use Local Development Orders, reduction in business rates for up to 5 years or Enhanced Capital Allowance. In addition, all business rates collected from an Enterprise Zone are retained and reinvested locally providing a further boost to the local economy.
+ 3. Does Kingfisher Film Studios have planning permission?
Yes, the whole site currently has an outline planning consent for 37 acres of commercial development, including mixture of uses. The road also benefits from full planning consent, allowing construction to come forward at the outset.
+ 4. What is Clean Growth?
In its Industrial Strategy the Government has identified 4 Grand Challenges, one of them being Clean Growth. The definition says it is “growing our national income while cutting greenhouse gas emissions”. It will involve new technologies to reduce energy consumption, more efficient buildings but also a behavioural change in how all of us use energy in our day-to-day lives.
+ 5. Is Kingfisher Film Studios easy to access?
Kingfisher Film Studios will be situated near the M5, Airport and main rail line.
+ 6. How will ongoing work at Kingfisher Film Studios comply with the governments Covid-19 guidance?
Employees who must be on-site are applying social distancing and hygiene protocols based on guidance from health authorities. Reduced numbers of workers onsite will ensure that social distancing guidance is adhered to.